Machine rugs

Machine rugs
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Machine rugs
The carpets used in Iran are generally imported from Germany and Belgium. Frequently used in Iran are Schooner machines from Germany and Vandewille Belgium, the two largest manufacturers of carpet weaving machines in the world. With the exception of two countries, Germany and Belgium, the other countries do not manufacture rugs. Iranians use state-of-the-art technology in their products to produce top-notch rugs. For example, 1200 comb weaving machines used in Iran are not used in other countries and Iranians are very advanced in this field. The Iranians even surpassed Belgium, which is one of the most popular carpet makers.
Types of machine rugs
Machine rugs are divided into two general categories: Vandewill Belgium and Schooner, Germany, with a large number of machines.
Vandeville Carpet weaving company
Vandewile is a well-known machine-building company founded in Belgium in 1880 and operating in the field of machinery production. Machine type. Types of machines in this group can be HCP, HCPX1, HCPX2, HCPX3. HCPX machines are handles that produce a high quality carpet that resembles a handmade carpet.
Shoonhr Carpet Weaving Company
Schooner Company has a significant share of the Iranian market due to its excellent quality in carpet weaving. The features of this machine are very different in texture and high production speed compared to similar machines. The machines of this company can produce very valuable and fine carpets as well as fancy and modern carpets. Of the different types of cars in this category, the ALPHA 300 is the 320, 360 and 400, and the ALPHA 500 is currently one of the latest Schooner textile machines.

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