Different parts of the map:

Different parts of the map:
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Different parts of the map:
1- Loop (or Lever) or Lute (Lever):
It is the narrow width that is woven at the far end of the carpet and is usually the color of the original text and in some cases the color of the large margin. This part of the carpet is a simple color and we do not need a map for its texture.
2- Margin:
The margin is of varying width and the outer and inner margins are equal to the width of the whole width of the carpet. In general, the widths of the sides of the carpet on both sides of the carpet are simple, small, large, and roughly equivalent to the width of the carpet.
Small margin: This margin is the width of the large margin and differs in color from the large margin and is divided into two parts: the small inner margin and the small outer margin.
Large margin: This margin is the most prolific part of the carpet that has the most carpet front. This margin falls between the small margins.
Trail: It is a narrow width that sits on the sides of a small bean and has simple and repetitive roles.
The wide margin role is drawn using text motifs, either geometrically or rotating, which is equal in size to the small margin set and is consistent with the design and color of the carpet. This part of the carpet is woven with some information about the carpet, such as the name of the design, the weaver, the customer, and the lyrics.
3. Text (field):
The inner part of the rug, which is the largest area of the rug, is called the text and is composed of different parts depending on the design.
The text on the map and bergamot consists of the following parts:
– bergamot: The middle flower of bergamot is called circular, oval and rhombic, which is called circular bergamot, solar bergamot. And for decoration around bergamot, pellets, stingrays and stigmas that are decorated in different ways are used. Some drawings use two or three bergs to decorate the center of the carpet, called interference bergs. The length of the bergs in the carpets varies, but usually varies up to the length of the carpet.
Latchak: Triangle Latchak Carpet Background Triangles say that the design is usually proportional to the bergamot, but in some cases it may have a different design to the bergamot if the carpet rectangular latches are large enough to be attached to the frame as they are. They say, the shaggy lizard.
4- Duplicates:
In a way that the roles and the pictures are repeated over and over the rug, they are called duplicates.


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