Troubleshooting in the drawing

Troubleshooting in the drawing
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Troubleshooting in the drawing:
Drawing and drawing is one of the most important works of Iranian handmade carpets, not only in its design and design but also in its symbols of national culture, beliefs and ethnic beliefs and myths, as well as sometimes in historical events and events. One of the prominent features of the Iranian carpet, which has always been popular and special in the world, is its elegance and attractive color scheme.
What is the rug design?
A set of natural and abnormal patterns and figures and figures, drawn and formed in a definite and regular rug with distinct segments for different parts of the carpet.
Basically drawing on a chessboard based on a regular, regular system is more common in concentrated cities and workshops, since this method is based on paper and meticulously calculates the likelihood of errors and errors. Poor, however, many of the disadvantages of the components or the overall design that occur due to inattention or inexperience are:
– Incompatibility of the main dimensions of the design with standard sizes:
Each carpet has certain dimensions such as 12-meter rug or rug and curtain and side … Now the designer if he does not know the size of the carpet or when paying attention to the design and only draw the drawing, without its dimensions Of course, the scheme will not be applicable unless it is not important for the weaver.
– Failure to comply with map count:
In designing, what should be sized and fine-grained corresponds to the chessboard count, not less or more, for example if the chessboard is 40, the designer must necessarily have the same size and size as the chart. Draw in the form of 40 ribs, if the pattern is less than 40 ribs, that is 35 ribs, the map will appear larger and larger after the texture, so the carpet dimensions will change as well if it increases the count to 45 Consider the ridge, all the paintings are woven smaller than usual and the carpet size will be smaller. Therefore, it is best for the designer to sketch the design according to the order specified on the paper.
– Map symmetry disregard:
The general basis of some designs is symmetry, and the symmetry of the paintings, flowers and other elements is an essential element of such designs, for example in the symmetrical lichen and bergamot design all the minor and general angles of the roles must also be designed symmetrically.
– Not paying attention to design styles:
Various styles are known in the design of Iranian carpet map, such as Isfahan style, Tabriz style, Kerman style, Kashan style or geometric and fractured style …
A skilled designer certainly knows the common styles of carpet design and has a full aristocracy, such as those with high professional experience, are less likely to be mistaken, but among them are inexperienced people who, though They have an acceptable action, but they do not have a deep and accurate knowledge of the set of styles.
The first group, if they change the composition of the styles and draw them out of the conventional way, with their experience of power can show it in a new style, which some call these innovations, that the tastes are Traditional principles and principles are maintained.
The second group are people who have less practical experience and who do not know the designs or styles sufficiently or may not know the generalities of it, and the details that affect the composition may not be as appropriate and appropriate to work. In such cases, these people not only fail to deliver the best in the art of carpet design, but also damage the overall.
– Coordination and inconsistency of the width of the margin relative to the length of the sides of the carpet
One of the most important calculations is to accurately calculate the margin width to be proportional to the length of the sides, which in some maps do not correctly calculate the dimensions, thus sometimes the margin or width supply is greater or less than the standard size. The width of the length of the border on both sides varies with the width of the border on both ends. this defect in the woven carpet is incorrect due to inaccuracies in the original design or Chinese dot, so it seems that the carpet has either been combed or stretched or stretched or over-sized, sometimes attributed to the weaver. While the fault is due to the carelessness of the designer. Therefore, the designer must carefully determine the number and width of the map paper in order to avoid such faults.
– Inaccuracy in defining 45 degree margin corners:
In the corners of the junction the width and width of the border should be 45 degrees, to decorate these corners necessarily have a role to make it more beautiful, some people because of their inexperience and inexperience in drawing and drawing and Determining the correct size of the edges of the edges can not be properly and conventionally displayed so either leave the corner empty or draw a drawing.
-Failure to observe the proportion of roles in the design:
Design and painting of handmade carpets is based on rules and principles traditionally based on the past, and is nowadays refined with the help of various sciences and knowledge such as mathematical calculations and forms, and is therefore based on a coherent pattern of drawing and drawing sizes. The logs are plotted in logical proportion at the map level. Now, if the role and image are designed outside the general rules, for example, the size of the image is not proportional to the role, or the distribution of images is too long or dense.
-Accuracy in measuring and segmenting the panels:
Flags that are used in the text or margin, if they are not precisely sized or not properly positioned, do not correctly represent themselves where they are located. No more words and no beauty. This defect is more common in bergamot, and if the bergamot measurement is not accurately calculated, the spread of bergamot will be greater in part and less in other parts.
Sometimes some people repair this defect, which is not working, because the manipulation of the wrong woven map forms a difference.
Failure to adhere to the segmentation and miscalculation of the size of the margins creates a problem such as bergamot, which causes the margins to increase or decrease, thus imbalancing the margins causing the margin map to become unbalanced.
– Coordination of the staples and how they are connected:
As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the size of the panels should be precisely determined, and the importance of their role in completing the layout and map and in enhancing the quality of the layout and map and the overall beauty of the layout should be taken into account. If the tags do not fit in well with each other or interact with other roles or their dots are neglected, their connection to each other and their suitability to other roles will be undermined, which in general will have an adverse effect on the design.
-Fruit bergamot:
The bergamot in the carpets of bergamot and bergamot is very important, in fact bergamot is the starting point of the human eye, if the bergamot does not have a circular shape (though in the designs the bergamot is round) and is drawn to the sides, the defect therein It also reduces the overall beauty and appearance of other motifs, so its initial calculation and precise measurement and its relation and distance with other parts such as the head of bergamot, the distance between the bergamot with its margins and its circularity are principles that pay little attention to It will cause drawbacks and drawbacks to the whole design.
Empty parts of the plan:
The design and mapping of various sections, including fields, bergs, pebbles, and margins, is done in full, with precise, calculated dimensions. It is an artistic feature of handmade carpet designers who, with all their might, fill the spaces in aesthetic beauty and strike a logical balance between them, but sometimes, due to inattention or inexperience, some space designers dense the various motifs. They show and the other part is more secluded and the motifs are drawn with greater distance. This design shows that it is not included in the equilibrium map, imbalance will reduce the aesthetics and quality of the map.
-Cause of Chinese point:
The dotted line has two effects, the first being that the dot adheres to the boundaries of the graphs, that is, it closes the colored dots around the graphs, and the knitting time of the map is easily captured by the number of nodes. It makes the sides and flowers more beautiful, the second is that the use of cold and warm colors will highlight the flowers and other elements. If the Chinese dot does not have the experience and knowledge of the art, it may damage the quality of the layout by choosing uneven colors so that many of the fine designs or the Chinese dot will fall, and in contrast to many medium and ordinary designs with a dot pattern. They reach the peak of beauty.

-Don’t read the chess map:
Many carpet drawings are not readable after coloring, in other words, due to the use of inadequate colors, the planks of the paper are completely covered and cannot be identified by the weaver.
-Correct compression of the map:
To make a pattern plaid, the type of texture, for example, asymmetric or asymmetric weaving of knots or lute and half loom, as well as the carpet weaving bed and its density, must be specified and the appropriate plaster paper used. For example, a 10 to 10 checkerboard paper cannot be used to implement a Turkmen design, and instead 5- 10 paper that forms a grid of horizontal rectangles should be used.

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