Troubleshooting in punctuation and typing

Troubleshooting in punctuation and typing
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Troubleshooting in punctuation and typing:
What is punctuation?
The punctuation with the Chinese dot has one meaning, namely the coloring of the squares on the small squares on the chessboard, each representing a group. So that the color does not go beyond the range and lines of each small square.
To punctuate the role, it first identifies the main outlines of the paintings, then customizes the colors according to their tastes in accordance with the conventional principles of the site. Professional experience and skill are required in this work because the Chinese point of view is the foundation of aesthetic design and role, making it easier and more accurate weaver to recognize the look and provide a healthy texture.
The correct punctuation features are: picking quadrilateral points at the chessboard, creating different curved and broken lines depending on the type of layout and choosing colors that will look good after the texture.
Punctuation method:
Pencil punctuation, painting, and painting are the last steps to be taken. This must be done carefully so that all the colored dots are curved exactly in place. Determine the distance between petals, branches and leaves of different images using different colors, so that they do not interfere with the composition of the flower components and even the veins of the leaves but with the help of the point of rotation and rotation. Appear. Obviously, in addition to executing precision, it is necessary to correctly calculate and count the number of points so that the maps do not appear defective.
In punctuation the number of executable points must be completely calculated and counted correctly. If the calculation is correct and the point of rotation of the pen moves correctly in the direction of curvature and the direction of the drawing of the graphs, the shape map will be curved, but if the count is not correct And the person not aware of the cosmetic detritus will not have the desired result. The correct punctuation procedure for creating curves around the images is that the points should be arranged from low to high or from high to low in a perfectly regular and rotating manner to map defects such as fracture or extra curvature, and Not to be outdone.
Brushing refers to the practice of widening and bolding the graphics, some of the paintings need to be repainted and brushed to show better, in the same way as other drawing and painting works It makes the role more beautiful The experience, skills, and knowledge of the painter that can support her work can help her beautify the roles and pictures. A misunderstanding of how the stylus works in terms of the amount of stylus rotation, the amount of color needed to decorate can make the paintings either wider or thinner than the conventional and acceptable size, the inconsistency causing the loss of beauty It is planned.
Flaw in the design of decorative motifs
The drawings of the motifs used to decorate the overall shape of the design are no less than the design itself, since it is a complete design from the collection of gross fine-grained motifs. Their subtlety demands a lot of attention, in other words, these designs are so delicate that the slightest neglect and misstatement of color or color will negatively affect all aspects of the design.
The decorative motifs used on the carpet map are many, but the most popular are:
Shah Abbas flowers, khattis flowers, blooming flowers, Islamic lines, different types of bushes and bamboo designs, various bands
Fixed a map pointing error
If the punctuation is neglected and the curves of the curves are mistakenly broken, the result will be defective. Troubleshooting All the details of the map should be carefully studied prior to commencement of troubleshooting, but if there is any reason to misplace the map diagrams, it can be corrected in three ways.
A) The wrong spots can be erased, this is only possible if the error rate is not too high, in other words the painter may notice his mistake during the work, or he may find that the type of punctuation and color used in it is inappropriate. However, before the entire surface of the map has been mistakenly noticed, it can be washed off, otherwise the brush can be washed thoroughly so that no color remains, then moisten the brush and place it on the map. Considered so that the water in the brush will thoroughly moisten and dilute its color. Then stick some of the paint to the pen, then place it with a water absorbent napkin and lightly apply the remaining dyed napkin at this time to absorb the napkin if needed. Repeat several times and the point to note is that repeating this operation may cause the paper to rip. So you have to be careful about doing this, especially repetition.
B) If the mistake in punctuation is related to the past tense and the color is completely dry so that it cannot be erased by the previous method. Its houses are equal to the paper on which the map is applied, then the correct map is executed on it and the dotted line is done in the correct way and cut to the size of the wrong surface of the original map and stuck in place.
C) If the error is large and large, it cannot be rectified so the only way to redesign and map it is to map. If the mistake is high level and they want to use paragraph A to fix it, the paper structure will undoubtedly be damaged and other colors of the motifs may also be scratched.


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