Price of Miniature Handmade Carpets

Price of Miniature Handmade Carpets

Price of Miniature Handmade Carpets
Carpets have many extensive explanations that you can read and enhance your knowledge on the negarsara website. One of the types we examined in this article is a handmade miniature rug.
Miniature designs
In miniature paintings, images are not subject to any of the painting styles and rules governing the painting space, and everything is made by the artist’s mind. Paint and glaze have a special place in miniature designs; Cleavage is seen.
In this style, the artist does not emphasize the drawing of human organs and facial details, but rather his interest in glamorous clothing over the characters of his image, sometimes even making his stature appear taller so as to enjoy the advantage of a long cape. In miniature, the faces of most people are drawn at a young age, resembling those of non-gendered individuals, but in older faces there is no such heterogeneity. In most images, the season is spring and the sun is shining. The fruit trees are often full of blossoms and leaves, the plants are brightly colored and glazey, but sometimes the bare trees fill the whole picture. Horses are also often portrayed from the side, and rarely can one be seen face to face or back.
Miniature Carpet

Carpets vary in size depending on taste and design. Typically, the boards are 110cm long and 150cm wide, although this size can be completely customized.
Colors in miniature designs are higher and more varied than other designs and drawings. Sometimes a small carpet of 100 different colors can be used.
Prices of carpets

The transition price for each miniature carpet usually starts at $ 500,000 and depends on factors that can sometimes be priced up to several million.
The first important point in the carpet is the fine texture and the knots and the professionalism in its workmanship.
The design and design of the rug depends on the master of the painter. One of the most famous people to master in this work is Master Farshchian’s designs, which are the first words in miniature works.
Carpets should be woven in one hand and delicate. The type of yarn is one of the important factors that if the yarn is made of silk, the colors and appearance of the work will be significantly different.
The yarns used for the texture of the carpet are:
Natural silk
Merino Tabriz
Synthetic acrylic yarn
The silk yarn is the most expensive and valuable among the high yarns because it does not rot and decay, so it is more popular and showy than other types of yarn.
One of the cities famous for Tabriz carpets whose designs and textures spoke throughout the border and canvas is…

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